Monday, December 17, 2012

I couldn't update much last week since it was such a hectic time.  From prenatal appointments, to my kids doctor appointments, to school winter parties, to crying over the Sandy Hook Elementary tragedy I was pretty overwhelmed.  But anywho I had my ultrasound appointment on Tuesday, Dec 12, 2012.  During the ultrasound the tech did notice that Jasmyn's gallbladder was kinda big for an 18 week old fetus.  So of course hearing this made me pour out tears.  The doctor came in and said that she was going to schedule an appt me for us to see a specialist on the next day.  After going home it seemed like the next hours were weeks but finally the appt came and the specialist did a head to toe ultrasound exam.  The doctor then came in and said that  he could see where the gallbladder was kind big but just labeled it as a prominent gallbladder.  He said the worst case scenario could be, stones or either a cyst that could be treated when the baby is born.  Overall he told me that he is not the least bit worried about it so I shouldn't be either.  This of course allowed me to exhale............ I will be going back to the specialist at 32 weeks for him to scan Jasmyn once more before birth.  So if you would lift Jasmyn's gallbladder up in your prayer this will be greatly appreciated. The rest of the visit was fine.  Her heartbeat rate was 161 and everything else was great.  She was standing on her head for a while and then decided to flip over I will have to post this picture later.  She then faced the ultrasound wound as soon as the tech said she wanted to get a shot of her face.  This was a priceless moment.

Here is the prominent Gallbladder

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