Monday, December 31, 2012

Week 21

I am finally in week 21 and I am oh so happy.  My little princess is doing well and I couldn't be more thankful for her.  She is still a wiggle body and either sleeps very little or knows how to flip very well while sleeping.  I think I am going to try the flashlight on the belly little trick today and see if she responds too it.  It should definitely be cool for the boys to see if she does.  Well a new week has started for me to get my school work done so I am off................................. Oh yeah.  I only have this week and next week and I am getting my Degree in Computer Information Science.  Oh Yeah!!!!!!!!!

Friday, December 28, 2012

Ending of a new year

The family and I had a wonderful Christmas this year back home.  I enjoyed every minute of it.  But now Christmas is over and a new year is about to begin.  You guys know I am so looking forward to the new year so that I can finally finish my degree and Jasmyn can finally get here already.  I hope everyone else had an awesome Christmas and got everything you wanted.

Monday, December 17, 2012

I couldn't update much last week since it was such a hectic time.  From prenatal appointments, to my kids doctor appointments, to school winter parties, to crying over the Sandy Hook Elementary tragedy I was pretty overwhelmed.  But anywho I had my ultrasound appointment on Tuesday, Dec 12, 2012.  During the ultrasound the tech did notice that Jasmyn's gallbladder was kinda big for an 18 week old fetus.  So of course hearing this made me pour out tears.  The doctor came in and said that she was going to schedule an appt me for us to see a specialist on the next day.  After going home it seemed like the next hours were weeks but finally the appt came and the specialist did a head to toe ultrasound exam.  The doctor then came in and said that  he could see where the gallbladder was kind big but just labeled it as a prominent gallbladder.  He said the worst case scenario could be, stones or either a cyst that could be treated when the baby is born.  Overall he told me that he is not the least bit worried about it so I shouldn't be either.  This of course allowed me to exhale............ I will be going back to the specialist at 32 weeks for him to scan Jasmyn once more before birth.  So if you would lift Jasmyn's gallbladder up in your prayer this will be greatly appreciated. The rest of the visit was fine.  Her heartbeat rate was 161 and everything else was great.  She was standing on her head for a while and then decided to flip over I will have to post this picture later.  She then faced the ultrasound wound as soon as the tech said she wanted to get a shot of her face.  This was a priceless moment.

Here is the prominent Gallbladder

Week 19

My Heart Goes out to all of the victims impacted by the Sandy Hook Elementary School tragedy.   

The other night I woke up around 3am and I went to the room of my 7 year old and watched him sleep ever so peacefully and just imagined for a moment that he was actually absent from his body behind an evil act such as the one that took place on December the 14th in Newtown, Connecticut.  It hurt so bad I had to quickly turn the imagination off, I then woke him up and just held him and told him how much I truly loved him .  No parent should ever have to endure what you guys had to endure. I pray for strength for each and everyone of you during this tough time.  I also pray that God will give you peace during this time and that he embraces each and everyone of you in his loving arms. I could only imagine the pain that you are going through.  Your children have touched my heart so deeply as well as the heroic acts that took place.  They may all be gone from this world but they will never be forgotten...............

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

December 11, 2012

It is one day until my ultrasound appt and I am so impatient.  I can't wait to see little Jasmyn again tomorrow.  Since yesterday it seems like I can fee her kicking near my ribs as well as at the bottom of my belly.  I didn't even know that she could reach that high yet at 18 weeks.  Maybe from having all the other pregnancies my uterus stretched a lot quicker. IDK. For some reason I have been having a weird thought running through my head.  The thought is was the first ultrasound accurate???  Is this really Jasmyn we have in here??  Well I guess I can put all of these crazy thoughts to rest tomorrow. But until then................

18 week old fetus

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Week 18

Yeah it is finally week eighteen.  I have two more weeks to get to my half way mark.  Last week was a tough week.  I was sick the whole week.  From emotional sickness to morning sickness.  I did manage to Christmas shop and baby shop a bit though.  I even got Jasmyn's first pair of dress shoes.

Thank God this week I am feeling so much better.  The baby is doing great.  She is a little jumping bean.  We have our anatomy ultrasound scheduled for Wednesday. I am really looking forward to it. I haven't grown  much more but I can feel a lot of stretching first thing in the morning when I am getting out the bed.  It feels like I am carrying around a honey dew melon with just my stomach muscles.  With this being my 6th pregnancy you would think everything would just fall back into place from the last pregnancies but I guess not.  It would be nice though :)

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

HeartBurn Central

OMG this is the first day of having heartburn for me at the age 30 and out of 5 other pregnancies.  

My sister and a few others said that this meant that the baby will have a head full of hair, so we will see when she comes out.............