Tuesday, September 6, 2016

OMG its been too long Jassy is now a 3 year old little Princess.  Well lets back track......... I was working from home on April 30, 2013 and all of a sudden I felt a gush come out and sure enough while in a middle of a chat with a customer my water had broken.  I was hysterical but still finished my chat. I let my manager know which was a guy and he asked was I going to be back later?????

Really? My water just broke and he was wondering would I be back?  I just kindly said no sir I think I will be gone for the remainder of the day.  LOL.  But anywho.....Called my hubby and he came rushing to take me to the hospital.  I labored for 16 hours with no drugs because I couldn't have any because of my platelets being so low.  This was the longest labor after my 1st pregnancy (15 hours). At 9 centimeters I completely gave up and said, "Cut her out of me NOW".  I was wheeled into OR and put to sleep.  When a woke a hour later they brought her to my room and she was absolutely gorgeous.  I think my heart actually skipped a few beats.  And then the moment of truth........ I open her diaper and behold she was a truly a GIRL!!!!! I finally had my sweety pie.

Immediately I felt in love with her.  OMG I think I just cried and cried and was like a hawk over her every since then.  

Now she is a spunky 3 year old and is busy then every. She has a huge vocabulary and I am guessing that is because she has such a huge family.  She is spoiled rotten and the boys are amazing with her.  The closest one to her is my baby boy Jaylen.  My oldest acts like he is her second daddy.  She used to go to him everytime she wanted to take a nap.  Our family is finally complete.  Oh yeah I decided to make sure that Jasmyn was our last little one.  Here are some pics of her growing up these past 3 years.